12 Tips to increase YouTube Video Views Organically

“2014 was year of images and 2015 is year for videos.”

 Brands try hard to get more views on their YouTube Videos and are always looking for ideas to get their videos going viral. Making every video viral is not something that is possible for any brand; however a few steps can help brands make their videos reach to right audience. Below are some of the simple tips that can be used to enhance your video views and channel subscriber base, all organically! Continue reading “12 Tips to increase YouTube Video Views Organically”

Arrival of @SuperStarRajini on Twitter and the Social Media Blunders

May 5, 2014 witnessed a special day in the history of Twitter, especially for @TwitterIndia when the legendary actor, Super Star RajiniKanth joined Twitter as @SuperstarRajini. Even before there was any tweet, the followers started pouring in and Within 10 minutes of joining, the official twitter handle of the great Rajini sir with just 1 tweet, got 25K+ followers. This sure was in line with the reputation of the star and the love people have for him!


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A guide to What, Why and How of B2B Social Media Marketing

That brands are embracing Social Media to connect with their customers and woo them for buying their products, is not a news anymore. B2B companies too have jumped on the bandwagon and are turning social for the benefits of this amazing media. However, for most of the brands, the social media starts and ends at Facebook with a little bit spicing up with Twitter profile and LinkedIn page. This strategy can be useful for B2C brands up to certain extent but not for B2B brands whose target audiences have different persona and therefore different behavior. This is multi-channel world and brands need to capitalize on the respective plus-point of different platforms. The following guide might help B2B brands Continue reading “A guide to What, Why and How of B2B Social Media Marketing”