What brands should not do on social media community

Its been some time since brands have started using social platforms to connect with their target audiences to achieve variety of purposes. Many big and small brands’ communities have mushroomed on the popular social channels like Facebook.  However many brand have just jumped on the bandwagon without understanding the very basic principles of community building- that a community is built for the people and unless there is no encouragement for interactions, there would be no engagement and the community would die eventually. These brands think that they should control the interaction as per their choice.  Continue reading “What brands should not do on social media community”

Some Takeaways from the Social Business Summit 2013 (Mumbai)

Dachis group organized “Social Business Summit” at Hotel Taj Mumbai on May 23rd 2013. With an impressive list of speakers Gaurav Mishra, Gautam Ghosh, Manu Prasad, Jeff Dachis, Ashok Lalla, Sanjay Mehta, Atu,l Tuli and Michael Jones, the flow of interesting ideas was obvious and though I could not attend the event, I kept a track on the tweets which came with event hashtag #SBS2013. I have curated a few of the pre-lunch session tweets for the benefit of those who could not attend the event and those who wish to revisit the learning. These tweets are mostly from the talks of ManuPrasad, Jeff Dachis, Sanjay Mehta  and Atul Tuli. Continue reading “Some Takeaways from the Social Business Summit 2013 (Mumbai)”